Monday, May 5, 2008

Free Comic Book Day

Wow! FCBD was a blast this year. I am still amazed at the amount of great folks that I met while signing books and doing sketches. I think my favorite thing is doing sketches for kids, since I may be a small part of what sparks them into a lifelong passion for comics and/or artwork and reading in general. My own kids even asked for sketches from me when they saw the others waiting in line for theirs. All in all the folks at the Dark Side Comics in Sarasota, FL really treated me well and had hotdogs and hamburgers on the grill and plenty of sodas. I have yet to read all of the books I got, since the shop had every FCBD comic that was available on hand. To all who attended the signing or got a free sketch, thank you. I had as much fun doing them as you had getting them. See everyone next year:)


Anonymous said...

what up man - glad to see you're still trucking in the comic book business....holla' at me when you get a chance and fill me in on what's new.

-jon woodard

Gary Scott Beatty's Indie Comics said...

Matt, you want to have a great time, give away free comic books instead of candy for Halloween! I've been doing this going on five years now and am up to about 250 a night. It's not really that expensive if you shop bargain bins for all ages stuff. The looks on the kids' faces is just great. It's my favorite holiday, now!

Unfortunately, my own comics, including Xeric grant winner "Jazz: Cool Birth" in September 08's Previews, are too mature for an all ages giveaway. Just my serious nature, I guess! "Swiss Family Robinson" looks perfect for a Halloween giveaway!

Keep telling great stories,
Gary Scott Beatty